Section 31-9-2-96.5 - "Private secure facility"(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), "private secure facility", for purposes of the juvenile law, means the following:(1) A facility that is licensed under IC 31-27 to operate as a private secure facility.(2) A private facility that is licensed in another state to provide residential care and treatment to one (1) or more children in a secure facility other than a detention center, prison, jail, or similar correctional facility.(b) "Private secure facility", for purposes of IC 31-27, means a private secure facility other than the following: (1) A juvenile detention facility established under IC 31-31-8 or IC 31-31-9 (or IC 31-6-9-5 or IC 31-6-9.5 before their repeal).(2) A facility operated by the department of correction.(4) A detention center operated by a county sheriff.Added by P.L. 109-2024,SEC. 5, eff. 7/1/2024.