Section 31-9-2-9.6 - "Assessment""Assessment", for purposes of IC 31-25 and IC 31-33, means an initial and ongoing investigation or evaluation that includes:
(1) a review and determination of the safety issues that affect a child and:(A) a child's parents, guardians, or custodians; or(B) another individual residing in the residence where the child resides or is likely to reside;(2) an identification of the underlying causes of the safety issues described in subdivision (1);(3) a determination whether child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment occurred; and(4) a determination of the needs of a child's family in order for the child to:(A) remain in the home safely;(B) be returned to the home safely; or(C) be placed in an alternative living arrangement.As added by P.L. 131-2009, SEC.6.