Section 31-33-3-1 - Community child protection team established; members(a) A community child protection team is established in each county. The community child protection team is a countywide, multidisciplinary child protection team. The team must include the following thirteen (13) members who reside in, or provide services to residents of, the county in which the team is to be formed: (1) The director of the local office that provides child welfare services in the county or the local office director's designee.(2) Two (2) designees of the juvenile court judge.(3) The prosecuting attorney or the prosecuting attorney's designee.(4) The county sheriff or the sheriff's designee.(5) Either: (A) the president of the county executive in a county not containing a consolidated city or the president's designee; or(B) the executive of a consolidated city in a county containing a consolidated city or the executive's designee.(6) A director of a court appointed special advocate or guardian ad litem program or the director's designee in the county in which the team is to be formed.(7) Either: (A) a public school superintendent or the superintendent's designee; or(B) a director of a local special education cooperative or the director's designee.(8) Two (2) persons, each of whom is a physician or nurse, with experience in pediatrics or family practice.(9) Two (2) residents of the county.(10) The chief law enforcement officer of the largest law enforcement agency in the county (other than the county sheriff) or the chief law enforcement officer's designee.(b) The director of the local office serving the county shall appoint, subject to the approval of the director of the department, the members of the team under subsection (a)(7), (a)(8), and (a)(9).Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-6-11-14(b), (c), (d) part.
Amended by P.L. 148-2024,SEC. 17, eff. 7/1/2024.As added by P.L. 1-1997, SEC.16. Amended by P.L. 234-2005, SEC.102; P.L. 146-2008, SEC.574.