- Section 31-25-2-1 - "Department"
- Section 31-25-2-2 - Personnel
- Section 31-25-2-2.5 - No personal liability for official acts
- Section 31-25-2-3 - Department organization
- Section 31-25-2-4 - Family case manager caseload reports
- Section 31-25-2-4.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-25-2-5 - Caseload limitations
- Section 31-25-2-6 - Report requirements
- Section 31-25-2-7 - Department duties
- Section 31-25-2-7.5 - Remote child and family services
- Section 31-25-2-8 - Department as single state agency responsible for administering certain grants, funds, and programs; Title IV-E on behalf of Indian children
- Section 31-25-2-8.5 - Department of child services cost and rate reporting
- Section 31-25-2-9 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-25-2-10 - Department duties concerning staff
- Section 31-25-2-11 - Powers, responsibilities, and duties
- Section 31-25-2-11.5 - Director or director's designee requirements
- Section 31-25-2-12 - Notice of existence of photographs, x-rays, and physical medical examination reports
- Section 31-25-2-13 - Access to photographs, x-rays, and physical medical examination reports
- Section 31-25-2-14 - Cooperation with public and private agencies
- Section 31-25-2-14.5 - Child advocacy centers; duties; confidentiality; civil immunity
- Section 31-25-2-15 - Purchase of services of public or private agency
- Section 31-25-2-16 - Department of child services child care fund
- Section 31-25-2-17 - [Repealed]
- Section 31-25-2-18 - Rules
- Section 31-25-2-19 - Adoption fees
- Section 31-25-2-20 - Expired
- Section 31-25-2-20.1 - Gift, devise, or bequest of personal property; investment of money; child trust clearance account; commingling prohibited
- Section 31-25-2-20.2 - Receipt and administration of money to or for the benefit of persons receiving payments or services; child trust clearance account; commingling prohibited
- Section 31-25-2-20.4 - Citizen review panels; membership; appointment; duties; response to report; prohibited acts
- Section 31-25-2-21 - Transitional services plan; participation by child representatives
- Section 31-25-2-22 - Provide list to Indiana department of health; electronic means
- Section 31-25-2-23 - Permanency roundtable duties; residential placement committee
- Section 31-25-2-24 - Report concerning child fatalities
- Section 31-25-2-25 - Kinship care navigator program report
- Section 31-25-2-26 - Collaborative child and family assistance programs
- Section 31-25-2-27 - Expired