Section 16-41-7-4 - Investigation of persons with a communicable disease; notification of persons at risk(a) As used in this section, "person at risk" means an individual who in the best judgment of a licensed physician:(1) has engaged in high risk activity (as defined in section 1 of this chapter); or(2) is in imminent risk of engaging in high risk activity (as defined in section 1 of this chapter).(b) If a health officer is notified in writing by a physician under section 3(b)(1)(A) of this chapter of a patient: (1) for whom the physician has medical verification that the patient is an individual with a communicable disease; and(2) who, in the best judgment of the physician, is a serious and present risk to the health of others; the health officer shall make an investigation of the individual with a communicable disease as authorized in IC 16-41-5-2 to determine whether the environmental conditions surrounding the individual with a communicable disease or the conduct of the individual with a communicable disease requires the intervention by the health officer or designated health official to prevent the transmission of disease to others.
(c) If the state department is requested in writing by a physician who has complied with the requirements of section 3(b)(2) of this chapter to notify a person at risk, the state department shall notify the person at risk unless, in the opinion of the state department, the person at risk:(1) has already been notified;(3) will otherwise be made aware that the person is a person at risk.(d) The state department shall establish a confidential registry of all persons submitting written requests under subsection (c).(e) The state department shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this section. Local health officers may submit advisory guidelines to the state department to implement this chapter, IC 16-41-1, IC 16-41-3, IC 16-41-5, IC 16-41-8, or IC 16-41-9. The state department shall fully consider such advisory guidelines before adopting a rule under IC 4-22-2-29 implementing this chapter, IC 16-41-1, IC 16-41-3, IC 16-41-5, IC 16-41-8, or IC 16-41-9.Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-1-10.5-11.6.
Amended by P.L. 112-2020,SEC. 25, eff. 7/1/2020.As added by P.L. 2-1993, SEC.24.