Section 14-32-2-12 - Duties of board The board shall do the following:
(1) Provide for the execution of surety bonds for all board employees and officers who are entrusted with money or property.(2) Provide for the keeping of a full and accurate record of all board proceedings and of all resolutions and rules the board issues or adopts. The accounts of receipts and disbursements are subject to examination by the state board of accounts.(3) Offer appropriate assistance to the supervisors of soil and water conservation districts to carry out district powers and programs.(4) Keep the supervisors of districts informed of the activities and experience of all other districts and facilitate cooperation and an interchange of advice and experience among districts.(5) Coordinate the programs of the districts as far as this may be done by advice and consultation.(6) Secure the cooperation and assistance of the United States and state agencies in the work of the districts. However, this subdivision does not authorize either of the following:(A) The transfer or control of authority over districts to a federal agency.(B) The transfer of title of land or control to the United States.(7) Disseminate information throughout Indiana concerning the activities and programs of the districts and encourage the formation of districts in areas where organization is desirable.(8) Coordinate the erosion and sediment part of 33 U.S.C. 1288 (Public Law 92-500, Section 208) and other erosion and sediment reduction programs that affect water quality, in cooperation with state and federal agencies and through districts as provided under IC 14-32-5-1.(9) Develop a statewide regulatory program to be initiated after all reasonable voluntary approaches to erosion and sediment reduction have been exhausted.(10) Conduct an inventory of conservation needs for planning purposes and to inform the general assembly.(11) Hold meetings in locations throughout Indiana.(12) Adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this article.Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 13-3-1-4(a) part, (c) part, (d).
As added by P.L. 1-1995, SEC.25. Amended by P.L. 136-1997, SEC.14; P.L. 175-2006, SEC.9.