620 ILCS 45/3
When in any county a proposition for the levy of a tax for an airport and landing field has been adopted as aforesaid, the presiding officer of the county board shall, with the advice and consent of the county board, appoint a board of 5 directors each of whom shall be a resident of the county who does not hold any other office of honor or profit. All members shall be chosen with reference to their special fitness for such office.
When the voters of any taxing district or districts lying wholly or partly within the county, shall have adopted a proposition for joint control of an airport and landing field with the county, the governing body of each of said taxing districts shall by a majority vote of such governing body appoint 5 directors, residents of the respective taxing district and not holding any office of honor or profit, all of whom shall be chosen with reference to their special fitness for such office.
620 ILCS 45/3