(c) The Commission shall adopt a uniform disclosure that alternative gas suppliers shall be required to complete for each product offering. The uniform disclosure shall contain, at a minimum: (1) for products with a fixed price per therm, the price per therm; (2) the length of the initial term of the product, or, if applicable, the expiration date of the initial term of the product; (3) the amount of the termination fees, if any; (4) the amount of the administrative fees, other fees, or recurring charges, if any, to be listed separately for each and every fee or charge; (5) for products with a variable price per therm, the terms of such variability, including, but not limited to, any index that is used to calculate the price and any additional charges, costs and fees; and (6) for products where a customer's charges are a fixed amount per billing period regardless of the market price for natural gas or the customer's natural gas consumption during the billing period, the billing period covered. If the alternative gas supplier will not offer a different product for new customers as of the first of the month, then the alternative gas supplier does not have to provide new information until the first day of the month in which a different product or products are being offered.
The Commission shall post this information on its World Wide Web site in a manner that shall enable customers to compare prices, terms, and conditions offered by the alternative gas suppliers. The website shall be updated at least monthly and the Commission shall maintain this information on its website for at least 12 months to allow customers to compare the historical plans and prices for all alternative gas suppliers.