215 ILCS 159/60
An advertisement shall not omit material information or use words, phrases, statements, references, or illustrations if the omission or use has the capacity, tendency, or effect of misleading or deceiving viators as to the nature or extent of any benefit, loss covered, premium payable, or state or federal tax consequence. The fact that the viatical settlement contract offered is made available for inspection prior to consummation of the sale, or an offer is made to refund the payment if the viator is not satisfied or that the viatical settlement contract includes a "free look" period that satisfies or exceeds legal requirements, does not remedy misleading statements.
An advertisement shall not use the name or title of an insurance company or an insurance policy unless the advertisement has been approved by the insurer.
An advertisement shall not state or imply that interest charged on an accelerated death benefit or a policy loan is unfair, inequitable, or in any manner an incorrect or improper practice.
The words "free", "no cost", "without cost", "no additional cost", "at no extra cost", or words of similar import shall not be used with respect to any life insurance policy or to any benefit or service unless true. An advertisement may specify the charge for a benefit or a service or may state that a charge is included in the payment or use other appropriate language.
Testimonials, appraisals, or analysis used in advertisements must be genuine; represent the current opinion of the author; be applicable to the viatical settlement contract, product, or service advertised, if any; and be accurately reproduced with sufficient completeness to avoid misleading or deceiving prospective viators as to the nature or scope of the testimonials, appraisal, analysis, or endorsement. In using testimonials, appraisals, or analyses, a licensee under this Act makes as its own all the statements contained therein, and the statements are subject to all the provisions of this Section.
If the individual making a testimonial, appraisal, analysis, or endorsement has a financial interest in the subject of the testimonial, appraisal, analysis, or endorsement, either directly or indirectly as a stockholder, director, officer, employee, or otherwise, or receives any benefit directly or indirectly other than required union scale wages, that fact shall be prominently disclosed in the advertisement.
An advertisement shall not state or imply that a viatical settlement contract, benefit, or service has been approved or endorsed by a group of individuals, society, association, or other organization unless that is the fact and unless any relationship between the group of individuals, society, association, or organization and the licensee is disclosed. If the entity making the endorsement or testimonial is owned, controlled, or managed by the licensee, or receives any payment or other consideration from the viatical settlement licensee for making an endorsement or testimonial, that fact shall be prominently disclosed in the advertisement.
When an endorsement refers to benefits received under a viatical settlement contract all pertinent information shall be retained for a period of 5 years after its use.
215 ILCS 159/60