Section 215 ILCS 122/5-23 - Department of Insurance and Department of Healthcare and Family Services authority(a) The Department of Insurance and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, in addition to the powers granted under the Illinois Insurance Code and the Illinois Public Aid Code, have the power necessary to establish and operate the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange, including, but not limited to, the authority to: (1) adopt rules deemed necessary by the departments to implement this Law;(2) employ or retain sufficient personnel to provide administration, staffing, and necessary related support required to adequately discharge the duties described in this Law from funds held in the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange Fund;(3) procure services, including a call center, and goods for the purpose of establishing the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange, including, but not limited to, procurements in conformance with paragraph (22) of subsection (b) of Section 1-10 of the Illinois Procurement Code; and(4) require any exchange vendor to have experience operating a State-based exchange in another state.(b) The Department of Insurance has the authority to employ a Marketplace Director of the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange.Added by P.A. 103-0103,§ 20, eff. 6/27/2023.