215 ILCS 110/32
A dental service plan corporation may enter into agreements with dentists qualified as set forth herein, under which such dentists become participating dentists in a plan operated by the corporation. Such corporation may make to such dentists such payments as have accrued to them by reason of services performed under the plan. Payment for dental services may be made to participating or nonparticipating dentists, or to nonparticipating licensed physicians, at rates adopted by the board of trustees. A dental service plan corporation may enter into contracts for the payment of dental services to the subscribers or members of similar dental service plan corporations of other states, subject to the supervision of such other states, and shall have the right to reimburse any other dental service plan corporation or dentists of another state or of the geographic areas of this State in which the corporation does not transact business for services rendered to its subscribers, or beneficiaries named in the certificates issued to such subscribers, at the same rate paid participating dentists under the certificate of the subscriber.
215 ILCS 110/32