Section 205 ILCS 625/3 - Trust Account IncidentsIf one or more persons opening or holding an account sign an agreement with the institution providing that the account shall be held in the name of a person or persons designated as trustee or trustees for one or more designated beneficiaries, the account and any balance therein which exists from time to time shall be held as a trust account and unless otherwise agreed in writing between the person or persons opening or holding the account and the institution:
(a) If two or more persons are designated trustees of the account, as between them they shall hold the account and all balances therein which exist from time to time as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common;(b) Any trustee during his or her lifetime may change any of the designated beneficiaries without the knowledge or consent of the other trustees or the beneficiaries by a written instrument accepted by the institution;(c) Any trustee may make additional deposits to and withdraw any part or all of the account at any time without the knowledge or consent of the other trustees or the beneficiaries, subject to the bylaws and regulations of the institution, and all withdrawals shall constitute a revocation of the agreement as to the amount withdrawn; and (d) Upon the death of the last surviving trustee the designated beneficiary (i) who is then living, if the beneficiary is a natural person, or (ii) that maintains a lawful existence under the state or federal authority pursuant to which it was organized, if the beneficiary is not a natural person, shall be the sole holder of the account, unless more than one beneficiary is named and then living or in existence, in which case said beneficiaries shall hold the account in equal shares as tenants in common. If no beneficiary is then living or in existence, the proceeds shall vest in the estate of the last surviving trustee.Amended by P.A. 096-1151,§ 5, eff. 7/21/2010.