310 ILCS 65/6

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 310 ILCS 65/6 - Advisory Commission
(a) There is hereby created the Illinois Affordable Housing Advisory Commission. The Commission shall consist of 15 members. Three of the Commissioners shall be the Directors of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, the Illinois Finance Authority and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or their representatives. One of the Commissioners shall be the Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Housing or its representative. The remaining 11 members shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and not more than 4 of these Commission members shall reside in any one county in the State. At least one Commission member shall be an administrator of a public housing authority from other than a municipality having a population in excess of 2,000,000; at least 2 Commission members shall be representatives of special needs populations as described in subsection (e) of Section 8; at least 4 Commission members shall be representatives of community-based organizations engaged in the development or operation of housing for low-income and very low-income households; and at least 4 Commission members shall be representatives of advocacy organizations, one of which shall represent a tenants' advocacy organization. The Governor shall consider nominations made by advocacy organizations and community-based organizations.
(b) Members appointed to the Commission shall serve a term of 3 years; however, 3 members first appointed under this Act shall serve an initial term of one year, and 4 members first appointed under this Act shall serve a term of 2 years.

Individual terms of office shall be chosen by lot at the initial meeting of the Commission. The Governor shall appoint the Chairman of the Commission, and the Commission members shall elect a Vice Chairman.

(c) Members of the Commission shall not be entitled to compensation, but shall receive reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(d) Eight members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(e) The Commission shall meet at least quarterly and its duties and responsibilities are:
(1) the study and review of the availability of affordable housing for low-income and very low-income households in the State of Illinois and the development of a plan which addresses the need for additional affordable housing;
(2) encouraging collaboration between federal and State agencies, local government and the private sector in the planning, development and operation of affordable housing for low-income and very low-income households;
(3) studying, evaluating and soliciting new and expanded sources of funding for affordable housing;
(4) developing, proposing, reviewing, and commenting on priorities, policies and procedures for uses and expenditures of Trust Fund monies, including policies which assure equitable distribution of funds statewide;
(5) making recommendations to the Program Administrator concerning proposed expenditures from the Trust Fund;
(6) making recommendations to the Program Administrator concerning the developments proposed to be financed with the proceeds of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes;
(7) reviewing and commenting on the development of priorities, policies and procedures for the administration of the Program;
(8) monitoring and evaluating all allocations of funds under this Program; and
(9) making recommendations to the General Assembly for further legislation that may be necessary in the area of affordable housing.

310 ILCS 65/6

Amended by P.A. 094-0793, § 735, eff. 5/19/2006.
Amended by P.A. 093-0205, § 890-26, eff. 1/1/2004.
P.A. 88-93; 89-286, eff. 8-10-95.