310 ILCS 5/28

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 310 ILCS 5/28

Whenever in the judgment of the Illinois Housing Development Authority a housing corporation fails or omits, or is about to fail or omit to do anything required of it by law or by order of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, or does or is about to do, or permits or is about to permit to be done anything contrary to or in violation of law or any order of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, or anything which is improvident or prejudicial to the interests of the public, its tenants, lienholders, mortgagees, creditors, or the holders of its securities or obligations, the Illinois Housing Development Authority shall commence an action or proceeding in the Circuit Court of the county in which the premises are situated or in which the principal offices of the corporation are located for the purpose of stopping such act or omission, or preventing such threatened act or omission, either by mandamus or injunction.

310 ILCS 5/28

P. A. 76-1176.