310 ILCS 10/8.18

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 310 ILCS 10/8.18
[(a)] Any state public body (city, village, incorporated town, county, municipal corporation, commission, district, authority, or other subdivision or public body of the State) (a) may, upon such terms, with or without consideration, as it may determine for the purpose of aiding an Authority in the planning, undertaking or carrying out of a conservation plan in a conservation area:
(1) dedicate, sell, convey or lease any of its interest in any property or grant easements, licenses, or other rights or privileges therein to an Authority;
(2) incur the entire expense of any public improvement made by such public body in exercising the powers granted in this section;
(3) do any and all things necessary to aid or cooperate in the planning or carrying out of a conservation plan;
(4) lend, grant or contribute funds to an Authority;
(5) enter into agreements (which may extend over any period, notwithstanding any provision or rule of law to the contrary) with a municipality or other public body respecting action to be taken pursuant to any of the powers granted in this Act, including the furnishing of funds or other assistance in connection with a conservation plan, and
(6) cause public buildings and public facilities, including parks, playgrounds, recreational, community, or educational facilities, or any other works which it is otherwise empowered to undertake to be furnished; and cause administrative and other services to be furnished to an Authority.
(b) Any sale, conveyance, lease or agreement provided for in this Section may be made by a public body without appraisal, public notice, advertisement or public bidding.
(c) For the purpose of aiding in the planning, undertaking or carrying out of a conservation plan of an Authority hereunder, a municipality or county may (in addition to its other powers and upon such terms with or without consideration, as it may determine) do and perform any or all of the actions or things which, by the provisions of this section, a public body is authorized to do or perform, including the furnishing of financial or other assistance.

310 ILCS 10/8.18

Laws 1963, p. 1495.