430 ILCS 75/2

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 430 ILCS 75/2 - Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules
(a) There is created within the Office of the State Fire Marshal a Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules, which shall hereafter be referred to as the Board, consisting of 7 members who shall be appointed to the Board by the Governor, one for a term of one year, 2 for a term of 2 years, 2 for a term of 3 years, and 2 for a term of 4 years. At the expiration of their respective terms of office, they, or their successors identifiable with the same interests respectively as hereinafter provided, shall be appointed for terms of 4 years each. The Governor may at any time remove any member of the Board for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office. Upon the death or incapacity of any member the Governor shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the vacated term with a representative of the same interests with which his predecessor was identified.

Of these 7 appointed members, 2 shall be representative of owners and users of boilers and pressure vessels within the State, with one representing owners and users of high pressure boilers and pressure vessels in utilities, manufacturing or processing, who shall be registered in accordance with the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, and one representing the owners and users of low pressure boilers and pressure vessels in commercial buildings, multiple housing or hotels. Of the remaining 5 appointed members, one shall be representative of the boiler manufacturers within the State, one shall be a representative of an insurance company licensed to insure boilers and pressure vessels within the State, one shall be a mechanical engineer registered in accordance with the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, one shall be representative of the boilermakers, and one shall be representative of the practical steam operating engineers.

(b) The Board shall annually elect one of its members to serve as chairman. The chairman shall appoint a vice-chairman and secretary to serve the same term as the chairman. At the call of the chairman, the Board shall meet at least 4 times each year at the State Capitol or other place designated by the Board.
(c) The members of the Board shall serve without salary, but shall receive reimbursement for their actual traveling and hotel expenses incurred while in the performance of their duties as members of the Board in accordance with the State of Illinois Travel Regulations.
(d) The Board shall formulate definitions, rules and regulations for the safe and proper construction, installation, repair, maintenance, alterations, inspections, use, and operation of boilers and pressure vessels in this State. The definitions, rules, and regulations so formulated shall be based upon, and at all times follow, accepted engineering standards, formulae, and practices pertaining to boiler and pressure vessel construction and safety. The Board shall by resolution adopt published codifications including, but not limited to, The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Code, and the Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Pressure Vessels Standards of the American Petroleum Institute with the amendments and interpretations thereto made and approved by those organizations, and may likewise adopt the amendments and interpretations subsequently made and published by the same organizations; and when so adopted those Codes shall be deemed incorporated into the definitions, rules and regulations of the Board. Amendments to and interpretations of the Codes so adopted shall be adopted immediately upon being promulgated, to the end that the definitions, rules and regulations shall at all times follow accepted engineering standards.
(e) The Board shall promulgate rules and regulations for the safe and proper repair, maintenance, alteration, inspection, use, and operation of boilers and pressure vessels which were in use or installed ready for use in this State prior to the date upon which the first rules and regulations under this Act pertaining to existing installations became effective, or during the 12 month period immediately thereafter.
(f) The rules and regulations formulated by the Board shall have the force and effect of law, except that the rules applying to the construction of new boilers and pressure vessels shall not be construed to prevent the installation thereof until 12 months after approval of the rules in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.

Rules and regulations of the Board shall become effective as provided therein.

(g) The Board shall establish fees for examinations, commissions, inspection certificates, inspections, annual statements, shop inspections, and other services.

430 ILCS 75/2

P.A. 88-608, eff. 1/1/1995; 89-467, eff. 1/1/1997.