415 ILCS 5/33

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 415 ILCS 5/33 - Board orders
(a) After due consideration of the written and oral statements, the testimony and arguments that shall be submitted at the hearing, or upon default in appearance of the respondent on return day specified in the notice, the Board shall issue and enter such final order, or make such final determination, as it shall deem appropriate under the circumstances. It shall not be a defense to findings of violations of the provisions of this Act, any rule or regulation adopted under this Act, any permit or term or condition of a permit, or any Board order, or a bar to the assessment of civil penalties that the person has come into compliance subsequent to the violation, except where such action is barred by any applicable State or federal statute of limitation. In all such matters the Board shall file and publish a written opinion stating the facts and reasons leading to its decision. The Board shall immediately notify the respondent of such order in writing by registered mail.
(b) Such order may include a direction to cease and desist from violations of this Act, any rule or regulation adopted under this Act, any permit or term or condition of a permit, or any Board order , and/or the imposition by the Board of civil penalties in accord with Section 42 of this Act. The Board may also revoke the permit as a penalty for violation. If such order includes a reasonable delay during which to correct a violation, the Board may require the posting of sufficient performance bond or other security to assure the correction of such violation within the time prescribed.
(c) In making its orders and determinations, the Board shall take into consideration all the facts and circumstances bearing upon the reasonableness of the emissions, discharges or deposits involved including, but not limited to:
(i) the character and degree of injury to, or interference with the protection of the health, general welfare and physical property of the people;
(ii) the social and economic value of the pollution source;
(iii) the suitability or unsuitability of the pollution source to the area in which it is located, including the question of priority of location in the area involved;
(iv) the technical practicability and economic reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the emissions, discharges or deposits resulting from such pollution source; and
(v) any subsequent compliance.

Whenever a proceeding before the Board may affect the right of the public individually or collectively to the use of community sewer or water facilities provided by a municipally owned or publicly regulated company, the Board shall at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date of the first hearing in such proceeding, give notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of such hearing by public advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the State concerned. The Board shall conduct a full and complete hearing into the social and economic impact which would result from restriction or denial of the right to use such facilities and allow all persons claiming an interest to intervene as parties and present evidence of such social and economic impact.

(d) All orders issued and entered by the Board pursuant to this Section shall be enforceable by injunction, mandamus, or other appropriate remedy, in accordance with Section 42 of this Act.

415 ILCS 5/33

P.A. 85-1041; 86-1363.
Amended by P.A. 093-0152, § 10, eff. 7/10/2003.