415 ILCS 5/17.7

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 415 ILCS 5/17.7 - Community water supply testing fee
(a) The Agency shall collect an annual nonrefundable testing fee from each community water supply for participating in the laboratory fee program for analytical services to determine compliance with contaminant levels specified in State or federal drinking water regulations. A community water supply may commit to participation in the laboratory fee program. If the community water supply makes such a commitment, it shall commit for a period consistent with the participation requirements established by the Agency and the Community Water Supply Testing Council (Council). If a community water supply elects not to participate, it must annually notify the Agency in writing of its decision not to participate in the laboratory fee program.
(b) The Agency shall determine the fee for participating in the laboratory fee program for analytical services. The Agency may establish multi-year participation requirements for community water supplies and establish fees accordingly. The Agency shall base its annual fee determination upon the actual and anticipated costs for testing under State and federal drinking water regulations and the associated administrative costs of the Agency and the Council.
(c) Community water supplies that choose not to participate in the laboratory fee program or do not pay the fees shall have the duty to analyze all drinking water samples as required by State or federal safe drinking water regulations established after the federal Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986.
(d) There is hereby created in the State Treasury an interest-bearing special fund to be known as the Community Water Supply Laboratory Fund. All fees collected by the Agency under this Section shall be deposited into this Fund and shall be used for no other purpose except those established in this Section. In addition to any monies appropriated from the General Revenue Fund, monies in the Fund shall be appropriated to the Agency in amounts deemed necessary for laboratory testing of samples from community water supplies, and for the associated administrative expenses of the Agency and the Council.
(e) The Agency is authorized to adopt reasonable and necessary rules for the administration of this Section. The Agency shall submit the proposed rules for review by the Council before submission of the rulemaking for the First Notice under Section 5-40 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
(f) The Director shall establish a Community Water Supply Testing Council, consisting of 5 persons who are elected municipal officials, 5 persons representing community water supplies, one person representing the engineering profession, one person representing investor-owned utilities, one person representing the Illinois Association of Environmental Laboratories, and 2 persons representing municipalities and community water supplies on a statewide basis, all appointed by the Director. Beginning in 1994, the Director shall appoint the following to the Council: (i) 2 elected municipal officials, 2 community water supply representatives, and 1 investor-owned utility representative, each for a one-year term; (ii) 2 elected municipal officials and 2 community water supply representatives, each for a 2 year term; and (iii) one elected municipal official, one community water supply representative, one person representing the engineering profession, and 2 persons representing municipalities and community water supplies on a statewide basis, each for a 3 year term. As soon as possible after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, the Director shall appoint one person representing the Illinois Association of Environmental Laboratories to a term of 3 years. Thereafter, the Director shall appoint successors in each position to 3 year terms. In case of a vacancy, the Director may appoint a successor to fill the remaining term of the vacancy. Members of the Council shall serve until a successor is appointed by the Director. The Council shall select from its members a chairperson and such other officers as it deems necessary. The Council shall meet at the call of the Director or the Chairperson of the Council . The Agency shall provide the Council with such supporting services as the Director and the Chairperson may designate, and members shall be reimbursed for ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The Council shall have the following duties:
(1) to hold regular and special meetings at a time and place designated by the Director or the Chairperson of the Council;
(2) to consider appropriate means for long-term financial support of water supply testing, and to make recommendations to the Agency regarding a preferred approach;
(3) to review and evaluate the financial implications of current and future federal requirements for monitoring of public water supplies;
(4) to review and evaluate management and financial audit reports related to the testing program, and to make recommendations regarding the Agency's efforts to implement the fee system and testing provided for by this Section;
(5) to require an external audit as may be deemed necessary by the Council; and
(6) to conduct such other activities as may be deemed appropriate by the Director.

415 ILCS 5/17.7

Amended by P.A. 097-0220,§ 10, eff. 7/28/2011.
P.A. 88-488; 92-147, eff. 7-24-01.