415 ILCS 5/3.355

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 415 ILCS 5/3.355 - Potential secondary source

"Potential secondary source" means any unit at a facility or a site not currently subject to a removal or remedial action, other than a potential primary source, which:

(1) is utilized for the landfilling, land treating, or surface impounding of waste that is generated on the site or at other sites owned, controlled or operated by the same person, other than livestock and landscape waste, and construction and demolition debris; or
(2) stores or accumulates at any time more than 25,000 but not more than 75,000 pounds above ground, or more than 2,500 but not more than 7,500 pounds below ground, of any hazardous substances; or
(3) stores or accumulates at any time more than 25,000 gallons above ground, or more than 500 gallons below ground, of petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance; or
(4) stores or accumulates pesticides, fertilizers, or road oils for purposes of commercial application or for distribution to retail sales outlets; or
(5) stores or accumulates at any time more than 50,000 pounds of any de-icing agent; or
(6) is utilized for handling livestock waste or for treating domestic wastewaters other than private sewage disposal systems as defined in the "Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act".

A new potential secondary source is:

(i) a potential secondary source which is not in existence or for which construction has not commenced at its location as of July 1, 1988; or
(ii) a potential secondary source which expands laterally beyond the currently permitted boundary or, if the secondary source is not permitted, the boundary in existence as of July 1, 1988, other than an expansion for handling of livestock waste or for treating domestic wastewaters; or
(iii) a potential secondary source which is part of a facility that undergoes major reconstruction. Such reconstruction shall be deemed to have taken place where the fixed capital cost of the new components constructed within a 2-year period exceed 50% of the fixed capital cost of a comparable entirely new facility.

Construction shall be deemed commenced when all necessary federal, State and local approvals have been obtained, and work at the site has been initiated and proceeds in a reasonably continuous manner to completion.

415 ILCS 5/3.355

Renumbered from 415 ILCS 5/3.60 by P.A. 92-574, eff. 6/26/2002.
P.A. 85-863.