Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 410 ILCS 18/55 - [Section Scheduled to be Repealed 1/1/2029] PenaltiesViolations of this Act shall be punishable as follows:
(1) Performing a cremation without receipt of a cremation authorization form signed, in either paper or electronic format, by an authorizing agent shall be a Class 4 felony.(2) Signing, in either paper or electronic format, a cremation authorization form with the actual knowledge that the form contains false or incorrect information shall be a Class 4 felony.(3) A Violation of any cremation procedure set forth in Section 35 shall be a Class 4 felony.(4) Holding oneself out to the public as a crematory authority, or the operation of a building or structure within this State as a crematory, without being licensed under this Act, shall be a Class A misdemeanor.(4.5) Performance of a cremation service by a person who has not completed a training program as defined in Section 22 of this Act shall be a Class A misdemeanor.(4.10) Any person who intentionally violates a provision of this Act or a final order of the Comptroller is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 per violation.(4.15) Any person who knowingly acts without proper legal authority and who willfully and knowingly destroys or damages the remains of a deceased human being or who desecrates human remains is guilty of a Class 3 felony.(5) A violation of any other provision of this Act shall be a Class B misdemeanor.Amended by P.A. 102-0824,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2023.Amended by P.A. 097-0679,§ 30, eff. 2/6/2012.Amended by P.A. 096-0863,§ 90-25, eff. 3/1/2012.P.A. 87-1187; 92-675, eff. 7-01-03.