The Department shall appoint a 9-person Health Care Event Reporting Advisory Committee with at least one member from each of the following statewide organizations: one representing hospitals; one representing ambulatory surgical treatment centers; and one representing physicians licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. The committee shall also include other individuals who have expertise and experience in system-based quality improvement and safety and shall include one public member. At least 3 of the 9 members shall be individuals who do not have a financial interest in, or a business relationship with, hospitals or ambulatory surgical treatment centers. The Health Care Event Reporting Advisory Committee shall review the Department's recommendations for potential quality improvement practices and modifications to the list of reportable adverse health care events consistent with national standards. In connection with its review of the Department's recommendations, the committee shall conduct a public hearing seeking input from health care facilities, health care professionals, and the public.
410 ILCS 522/10-40