405 ILCS 110/20

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 405 ILCS 110/20 - [Section Scheduled to be Repealed 1/1/2026] Applicable law

While in the receiving state, a person shall be subject to all of the provisions of law, rules, and regulations applicable to persons detained, committed, or placed under the corresponding laws of the receiving state, except those laws, rules, and regulations of the receiving state relating to length of commitment, reexaminations, and extensions of commitment or recommitment and except as otherwise provided by this Act. Specifically, the laws of the receiving state on emergency use of psychotropic medication and the procedures for involuntary forced psychotropic medications shall apply to the person while in the receiving state. The laws, rules, and regulations of the sending state relating to length of commitment, reexaminations, and extensions of commitment or recommitment shall apply.

405 ILCS 110/20

Added by P.A. 100-0012,§ 20, eff. 7/1/2017.