Section 70 ILCS 705/11b - Conflicting powers(a) In case any fire protection district organized hereunder is coterminous with or includes within its corporate limits in whole or in part any city, village or incorporated town authorized to provide protection from fire and to regulate the prevention and control of fire within such city, village or incorporated town and to levy taxes for any such purposes, then such city, village or incorporated town shall not exercise any such powers as necessarily conflict with the powers to be exercised by such district in respect to such fire protection and regulation within the fire protection district from and after the date that it receives written notice from the State Fire Marshal to cease or refrain from the operation of any fire protection facilities and the exercise of such powers, which notice shall be given only after the State Fire Marshal has ascertained that the Fire Protection District has placed its fire protection facilities in operation. Such city, village or incorporated town shall not thereafter own, operate, maintain, manage, control or have an interest in any fire protection facilities located within the corporate limits of the fire protection district, except water mains and hydrants and except as otherwise provided in this Act. Where any city, village, or incorporated town with 500 or more residents is in fact owning, operating, and maintaining a fire department or fire departments located in whole or in part within or adjacent to the corporate limits of a fire protection district organized under this Act, such city, village, or incorporated town shall not cease operating and maintaining the fire department or departments unless such proposed cessation of services is first submitted by referendum to voters, as provided by Section 15b of this Act. In addition, where any city, village, or incorporated town is in fact owning, operating, and maintaining a fire department or fire departments located within the corporate limits of a fire protection district organized under this Act, such city, village, or incorporated town shall be paid and reimbursed for its actual expenditures and for all existing obligations incurred, including all pension and annuity plans applicable to the maintenance of fire protection facilities theretofore made in establishing such facilities and in acquiring, constructing, improving or developing any such existing facilities in the manner provided for by this Act. The terms of payment shall provide for reimbursement in full within not less than 20 years from the date of such agreement.(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, no fire protection district adjacent to any city, village, or incorporated town will be required to assume responsibility for fire protection or other emergency services to such city, village, or incorporated town which discontinues its municipal fire department under Section 15b of this Act unless the Board of Trustees of the adjacent fire protection district has by resolution, ordinance, or intergovernmental agreement, agreed to provide such services.Amended by P.A. 099-0837,§ 5, eff. 8/19/2016.Amended by P.A. 099-0078,§ 185, eff. 7/20/2015.Amended by P.A. 098-0666,§ 10, eff. 1/1/2015.