35 ILCS 120/2j
Illinois businesses that purchase sorbents for use in mercury control, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225, shall file a monthly report with the Department stating the amount of sorbent purchased during the previous month, the purchase price of the sorbent, the amount of State occupation and use taxes paid on the purchase of the sorbent (whether to the selling retailer or directly to the Department of Revenue pursuant to a direct pay permit), and any other information the Department may reasonably require. In sales of sorbents between related parties, the purchase price of the sorbent must have been determined in an arms-length transaction. The report shall be filed with the Department on or before the 20th day of each month following a month in which sorbents were purchased, on a form provided by the Department. However, no report need be filed in a month when the taxpayer made no reportable purchases of sorbents in the previous month. The Department shall provide a monthly summary of these reports to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Upon request, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency shall provide the Department with a list of Illinois businesses that are subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.
35 ILCS 120/2j