35 ILCS 120/2-8
"Clothing" means, unless otherwise specified in this Section, all human wearing apparel suitable for general use. "Clothing" does not include clothing accessories, protective equipment, or sport or recreational equipment. "Clothing" includes, but is not limited to: household and shop aprons; athletic supporters; bathing suits and caps; belts and suspenders; boots; coats and jackets; ear muffs; footlets; gloves and mittens for general use; hats and caps; hosiery; insoles for shoes; lab coats; neckties; overshoes; pantyhose; rainwear; rubber pants; sandals; scarves; shoes and shoelaces; slippers; sneakers; socks and stockings; steel-toed shoes; underwear; and school uniforms.
"Clothing accessories" means, but is not limited to: briefcases; cosmetics; hair notions, including, but not limited to barrettes, hair bows, and hair nets; handbags; handkerchiefs; jewelry; non-prescription sunglasses; umbrellas; wallets; watches; and wigs and hair pieces.
"Protective equipment" means, but is not limited to: breathing masks; clean room apparel and equipment; ear and hearing protectors; face shields; hard hats; helmets; paint or dust respirators; protective gloves; safety glasses and goggles; safety belts; tool belts; and welder's gloves and masks.
"Sport or recreational equipment" means, but is not limited to: ballet and tap shoes; cleated or spiked athletic shoes; gloves, including, but not limited to, baseball, bowling, boxing, hockey, and golf gloves; goggles; hand and elbow guards; life preservers and vests; mouth guards; roller and ice skates; shin guards; shoulder pads; ski boots; waders; and wetsuits and fins.
"School supplies" includes, but is not limited to: binders; book bags; calculators; cellophane tape; blackboard chalk; compasses; composition books; crayons; erasers; expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila folders; glue, paste, and paste sticks; highlighters; index cards; index card boxes; legal pads; lunch boxes; markers; notebooks; paper, including loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper; pencils; pencil leads; pens; ink and ink refills for pens; pencil boxes and other school supply boxes; pencil sharpeners; protractors; rulers; scissors; and writing tablets.
"School art supply" means an item commonly used by a student in a course of study for artwork and includes only the following items: clay and glazes; acrylic, tempera, and oil paint; paintbrushes for artwork; sketch and drawing pads; and watercolors.
"School instructional material" means written material commonly used by a student in a course of study as a reference and to learn the subject being taught and includes only the following items: reference books; reference maps and globes; textbooks; and workbooks.
"School computer supply" means an item commonly used by a student in a course of study in which a computer is used and applies only to the following items: flashdrives and other computer data storage devices; data storage media, such as diskettes and compact disks; boxes and cases for disk storage; external ports or drives; computer cases; computer cables; computer printers; and printer cartridges, toner, and ink.
35 ILCS 120/2-8