35 ILCS 115/9
Each serviceman required or authorized to collect the tax herein imposed shall pay to the Department the amount of such tax at the time when he is required to file his return for the period during which such tax was collectible, less a discount of 2.1% prior to January 1, 1990, and 1.75% on and after January 1, 1990, or $5 per calendar year, whichever is greater, which is allowed to reimburse the serviceman for expenses incurred in collecting the tax, keeping records, preparing and filing returns, remitting the tax, and supplying data to the Department on request. Beginning with returns due on or after January 1, 2025, the vendor's discount allowed in this Section, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, and the Service Use Tax Act, including any local tax administered by the Department and reported on the same return, shall not exceed $1,000 per month in the aggregate. When determining the discount allowed under this Section, servicemen shall include the amount of tax that would have been due at the 1% rate but for the 0% rate imposed under Public Act 102-700. The discount under this Section is not allowed for the 1.25% portion of taxes paid on aviation fuel that is subject to the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133. The discount allowed under this Section is allowed only for returns that are filed in the manner required by this Act. The Department may disallow the discount for servicemen whose certificate of registration is revoked at the time the return is filed, but only if the Department's decision to revoke the certificate of registration has become final.
Where such tangible personal property is sold under a conditional sales contract, or under any other form of sale wherein the payment of the principal sum, or a part thereof, is extended beyond the close of the period for which the return is filed, the serviceman, in collecting the tax may collect, for each tax return period, only the tax applicable to the part of the selling price actually received during such tax return period.
Except as provided hereinafter in this Section, on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month, such serviceman shall file a return for the preceding calendar month in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Department of Revenue. Such return shall be filed on a form prescribed by the Department and shall contain such information as the Department may reasonably require. The return shall include the gross receipts which were received during the preceding calendar month or quarter on the following items upon which tax would have been due but for the 0% rate imposed under Public Act 102-700: (i) food for human consumption that is to be consumed off the premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, food consisting of or infused with adult use cannabis, soft drinks, and food that has been prepared for immediate consumption); and (ii) food prepared for immediate consumption and transferred incident to a sale of service subject to this Act or the Service Use Tax Act by an entity licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act, the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, the MC/DD Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, or the Child Care Act of 1969, or an entity that holds a permit issued pursuant to the Life Care Facilities Act. The return shall also include the amount of tax that would have been due on the items listed in the previous sentence but for the 0% rate imposed under Public Act 102-700.
On and after January 1, 2018, with respect to servicemen whose annual gross receipts average $20,000 or more, all returns required to be filed pursuant to this Act shall be filed electronically. Servicemen who demonstrate that they do not have access to the Internet or demonstrate hardship in filing electronically may petition the Department to waive the electronic filing requirement.
The Department may require returns to be filed on a quarterly basis. If so required, a return for each calendar quarter shall be filed on or before the twentieth day of the calendar month following the end of such calendar quarter. The taxpayer shall also file a return with the Department for each of the first two months of each calendar quarter, on or before the twentieth day of the following calendar month, stating:
Each serviceman required or authorized to collect the tax herein imposed on aviation fuel acquired as an incident to the purchase of a service in this State during the preceding calendar month shall, instead of reporting and paying tax as otherwise required by this Section, report and pay such tax on a separate aviation fuel tax return. The requirements related to the return shall be as otherwise provided in this Section. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act to the contrary, servicemen transferring aviation fuel incident to sales of service shall file all aviation fuel tax returns and shall make all aviation fuel tax payments by electronic means in the manner and form required by the Department. For purposes of this Section, "aviation fuel" means jet fuel and aviation gasoline.
If a taxpayer fails to sign a return within 30 days after the proper notice and demand for signature by the Department, the return shall be considered valid and any amount shown to be due on the return shall be deemed assessed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the contrary, servicemen subject to tax on cannabis shall file all cannabis tax returns and shall make all cannabis tax payments by electronic means in the manner and form required by the Department.
Prior to October 1, 2003, and on and after September 1, 2004 a serviceman may accept a Manufacturer's Purchase Credit certification from a purchaser in satisfaction of Service Use Tax as provided in Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act if the purchaser provides the appropriate documentation as required by Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act. A Manufacturer's Purchase Credit certification, accepted prior to October 1, 2003 or on or after September 1, 2004 by a serviceman as provided in Section 3-70 of the Service Use Tax Act, may be used by that serviceman to satisfy Service Occupation Tax liability in the amount claimed in the certification, not to exceed 6.25% of the receipts subject to tax from a qualifying purchase. A Manufacturer's Purchase Credit reported on any original or amended return filed under this Act after October 20, 2003 for reporting periods prior to September 1, 2004 shall be disallowed. Manufacturer's Purchase Credit reported on annual returns due on or after January 1, 2005 will be disallowed for periods prior to September 1, 2004. No Manufacturer's Purchase Credit may be used after September 30, 2003 through August 31, 2004 to satisfy any tax liability imposed under this Act, including any audit liability.
Beginning on July 1, 2023 and through December 31, 2032, a serviceman may accept a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Purchase Credit certification from an air common carrier-purchaser in satisfaction of Service Use Tax as provided in Section 3-72 of the Service Use Tax Act if the purchaser provides the appropriate documentation as required by Section 3-72 of the Service Use Tax Act. A Sustainable Aviation Fuel Purchase Credit certification accepted by a serviceman in accordance with this paragraph may be used by that serviceman to satisfy service occupation tax liability (but not in satisfaction of penalty or interest) in the amount claimed in the certification, not to exceed 6.25% of the receipts subject to tax from a sale of aviation fuel. In addition, for a sale of aviation fuel to qualify to earn the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Purchase Credit, servicemen must retain in their books and records a certification from the producer of the aviation fuel that the aviation fuel sold by the serviceman and for which a sustainable aviation fuel purchase credit was earned meets the definition of sustainable aviation fuel under Section 3-72 of the Service Use Tax Act. The documentation must include detail sufficient for the Department to determine the number of gallons of sustainable aviation fuel sold.
If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to the Department does not exceed $200, the Department may authorize his returns to be filed on a quarter annual basis, with the return for January, February, and March of a given year being due by April 20 of such year; with the return for April, May, and June of a given year being due by July 20 of such year; with the return for July, August, and September of a given year being due by October 20 of such year, and with the return for October, November, and December of a given year being due by January 20 of the following year.
If the serviceman's average monthly tax liability to the Department does not exceed $50, the Department may authorize his returns to be filed on an annual basis, with the return for a given year being due by January 20 of the following year.
Such quarter annual and annual returns, as to form and substance, shall be subject to the same requirements as monthly returns.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act concerning the time within which a serviceman may file his return, in the case of any serviceman who ceases to engage in a kind of business which makes him responsible for filing returns under this Act, such serviceman shall file a final return under this Act with the Department not more than one month after discontinuing such business.
Beginning October 1, 1993, a taxpayer who has an average monthly tax liability of $150,000 or more shall make all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1994, a taxpayer who has an average monthly tax liability of $100,000 or more shall make all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 1995, a taxpayer who has an average monthly tax liability of $50,000 or more shall make all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic funds transfer. Beginning October 1, 2000, a taxpayer who has an annual tax liability of $200,000 or more shall make all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic funds transfer. The term "annual tax liability" shall be the sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year. The term "average monthly tax liability" means the sum of the taxpayer's liabilities under this Act, and under all other State and local occupation and use tax laws administered by the Department, for the immediately preceding calendar year divided by 12. Beginning on October 1, 2002, a taxpayer who has a tax liability in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of Section 2505-210 of the Department of Revenue Law shall make all payments required by rules of the Department by electronic funds transfer.
Before August 1 of each year beginning in 1993, the Department shall notify all taxpayers required to make payments by electronic funds transfer. All taxpayers required to make payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments for a minimum of one year beginning on October 1.
Any taxpayer not required to make payments by electronic funds transfer may make payments by electronic funds transfer with the permission of the Department.
All taxpayers required to make payment by electronic funds transfer and any taxpayers authorized to voluntarily make payments by electronic funds transfer shall make those payments in the manner authorized by the Department.
The Department shall adopt such rules as are necessary to effectuate a program of electronic funds transfer and the requirements of this Section.
Where a serviceman collects the tax with respect to the selling price of tangible personal property which he sells and the purchaser thereafter returns such tangible personal property and the serviceman refunds the selling price thereof to the purchaser, such serviceman shall also refund, to the purchaser, the tax so collected from the purchaser. When filing his return for the period in which he refunds such tax to the purchaser, the serviceman may deduct the amount of the tax so refunded by him to the purchaser from any other Service Occupation Tax, Service Use Tax, Retailers' Occupation Tax, or Use Tax which such serviceman may be required to pay or remit to the Department, as shown by such return, provided that the amount of the tax to be deducted shall previously have been remitted to the Department by such serviceman. If the serviceman shall not previously have remitted the amount of such tax to the Department, he shall be entitled to no deduction hereunder upon refunding such tax to the purchaser.
If experience indicates such action to be practicable, the Department may prescribe and furnish a combination or joint return which will enable servicemen, who are required to file returns hereunder and also under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax Act, or the Service Use Tax Act, to furnish all the return information required by all said Acts on the one form.
Where the serviceman has more than one business registered with the Department under separate registrations hereunder, such serviceman shall file separate returns for each registered business.
Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall pay into the Local Government Tax Fund the revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1% tax imposed under this Act.
Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 4% of the revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on sales of tangible personal property other than aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall pay into the County and Mass Transit District Fund 20% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol.
Beginning January 1, 1990, each month the Department shall pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 16% of the revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on transfers of tangible personal property other than aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019. This exception for aviation fuel only applies for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
For aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, each month the Department shall pay into the State Aviation Program Fund 20% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of aviation fuel, less an amount estimated by the Department to be required for refunds of the 20% portion of the tax on aviation fuel under this Act, which amount shall be deposited into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund. The Department shall only pay moneys into the State Aviation Program Fund and the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this Act for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
Beginning August 1, 2000, each month the Department shall pay into the Local Government Tax Fund 80% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 1.25% rate on the selling price of motor fuel and gasohol.
Beginning October 1, 2009, each month the Department shall pay into the Capital Projects Fund an amount that is equal to an amount estimated by the Department to represent 80% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month from the sale of candy, grooming and hygiene products, and soft drinks that had been taxed at a rate of 1% prior to September 1, 2009 but that are now taxed at 6.25%.
Beginning July 1, 2013, each month the Department shall pay into the Underground Storage Tank Fund from the proceeds collected under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act an amount equal to the average monthly deficit in the Underground Storage Tank Fund during the prior year, as certified annually by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, but the total payment into the Underground Storage Tank Fund under this Act, the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall not exceed $18,000,000 in any State fiscal year. As used in this paragraph, the "average monthly deficit" shall be equal to the difference between the average monthly claims for payment by the fund and the average monthly revenues deposited into the fund, excluding payments made pursuant to this paragraph.
Beginning July 1, 2015, of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, this Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, each month the Department shall deposit $500,000 into the State Crime Laboratory Fund.
Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department pursuant to this Act, (a) 1.75% thereof shall be paid into the Build Illinois Fund and (b) prior to July 1, 1989, 2.2% and on and after July 1, 1989, 3.8% thereof shall be paid into the Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that if in any fiscal year the sum of (1) the aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case may be, of the moneys received by the Department and required to be paid into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, and Section 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, such Acts being hereinafter called the "Tax Acts" and such aggregate of 2.2% or 3.8%, as the case may be, of moneys being hereinafter called the "Tax Act Amount", and (2) the amount transferred to the Build Illinois Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall be less than the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act), an amount equal to the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to the Tax Acts; and further provided, that if on the last business day of any month the sum of (1) the Tax Act Amount required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Account in the Build Illinois Fund during such month and (2) the amount transferred during such month to the Build Illinois Fund from the State and Local Sales Tax Reform Fund shall have been less than 1/12 of the Annual Specified Amount, an amount equal to the difference shall be immediately paid into the Build Illinois Fund from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to the Tax Acts; and, further provided, that in no event shall the payments required under the preceding proviso result in aggregate payments into the Build Illinois Fund pursuant to this clause (b) for any fiscal year in excess of the greater of (i) the Tax Act Amount or (ii) the Annual Specified Amount for such fiscal year; and, further provided, that the amounts payable into the Build Illinois Fund under this clause (b) shall be payable only until such time as the aggregate amount on deposit under each trust indenture securing Bonds issued and outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act is sufficient, taking into account any future investment income, to fully provide, in accordance with such indenture, for the defeasance of or the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds secured by such indenture and on any Bonds expected to be issued thereafter and all fees and costs payable with respect thereto, all as certified by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget). If on the last business day of any month in which Bonds are outstanding pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act, the aggregate of the moneys deposited in the Build Illinois Bond Account in the Build Illinois Fund in such month shall be less than the amount required to be transferred in such month from the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund pursuant to Section 13 of the Build Illinois Bond Act, an amount equal to such deficiency shall be immediately paid from other moneys received by the Department pursuant to the Tax Acts to the Build Illinois Fund; provided, however, that any amounts paid to the Build Illinois Fund in any fiscal year pursuant to this sentence shall be deemed to constitute payments pursuant to clause (b) of the preceding sentence and shall reduce the amount otherwise payable for such fiscal year pursuant to clause (b) of the preceding sentence. The moneys received by the Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge set forth in Section 12 of the Build Illinois Bond Act.
Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund as provided in the preceding paragraph or in any amendment thereto hereafter enacted, the following specified monthly installment of the amount requested in the certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority provided under Section 8.25f of the State Finance Act, but not in excess of the sums designated as "Total Deposit", shall be deposited in the aggregate from collections under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund in the specified fiscal years.
Fiscal Year | Total Deposit |
1993 | $0 |
1994 | 53,000,000 |
1995 | 58,000,000 |
1996 | 61,000,000 |
1997 | 64,000,000 |
1998 | 68,000,000 |
1999 | 71,000,000 |
2000 | 75,000,000 |
2001 | 80,000,000 |
2002 | 93,000,000 |
2003 | 99,000,000 |
2004 | 103,000,000 |
2005 | 108,000,000 |
2006 | 113,000,000 |
2007 | 119,000,000 |
2008 | 126,000,000 |
2009 | 132,000,000 |
2010 | 139,000,000 |
2011 | 146,000,000 |
2012 | 153,000,000 |
2013 | 161,000,000 |
2014 | 170,000,000 |
2015 | 179,000,000 |
2016 | 189,000,000 |
2017 | 199,000,000 |
2018 | 210,000,000 |
2019 | 221,000,000 |
2020 | 233,000,000 |
2021 | 300,000,000 |
2022 | 300,000,000 |
2023 | 300,000,000 |
2024 | 300,000,000 |
2025 | 300,000,000 |
2026 | 300,000,000 |
2027 | 375,000,000 |
2028 | 375,000,000 |
2029 | 375,000,000 |
2030 | 375,000,000 |
2031 | 375,000,000 |
2032 | 375,000,000 |
2033 | 375,000,000 |
2034 | 375,000,000 |
2035 | 375,000,000 |
2036 | 450,000,000 |
and each fiscal year thereafter that bonds are outstanding under Section 13.2 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act, but not after fiscal year 2060. |
Beginning July 20, 1993 and in each month of each fiscal year thereafter, one-eighth of the amount requested in the certificate of the Chairman of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority for that fiscal year, less the amount deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund by the State Treasurer in the respective month under subsection (g) of Section 13 of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act, plus cumulative deficiencies in the deposits required under this Section for previous months and years, shall be deposited into the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, until the full amount requested for the fiscal year, but not in excess of the amount specified above as "Total Deposit", has been deposited.
Subject to payment of amounts into the Capital Projects Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter enacted, for aviation fuel sold on or after December 1, 2019, the Department shall each month deposit into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund an amount estimated by the Department to be required for refunds of the 80% portion of the tax on aviation fuel under this Act. The Department shall only deposit moneys into the Aviation Fuel Sales Tax Refund Fund under this paragraph for so long as the revenue use requirements of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) and 49 U.S.C. 47133 are binding on the State.
Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund and the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund pursuant to the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments thereto hereafter enacted, beginning July 1, 1993 and ending on September 30, 2013, the Department shall each month pay into the Illinois Tax Increment Fund 0.27% of 80% of the net revenue realized for the preceding month from the 6.25% general rate on the selling price of tangible personal property.
Subject to payment of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, and the Illinois Tax Increment Fund pursuant to the preceding paragraphs or in any amendments to this Section hereafter enacted, beginning on the first day of the first calendar month to occur on or after August 26, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-1098), each month, from the collections made under Section 9 of the Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Use Tax Act, Section 9 of the Service Occupation Tax Act, and Section 3 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the Department shall pay into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund, to be used, subject to appropriation, to fund additional auditors and compliance personnel at the Department of Revenue, an amount equal to 1/12 of 5% of 80% of the cash receipts collected during the preceding fiscal year by the Audit Bureau of the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and associated local occupation and use taxes administered by the Department.
Subject to payments of amounts into the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, beginning on July 1, 2018 the Department shall pay each month into the Downstate Public Transportation Fund the moneys required to be so paid under Section 2-3 of the Downstate Public Transportation Act.
Subject to successful execution and delivery of a public-private agreement between the public agency and private entity and completion of the civic build, beginning on July 1, 2023, of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department under the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and this Act, the Department shall deposit the following specified deposits in the aggregate from collections under the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as required under Section 8.25g of the State Finance Act for distribution consistent with the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit Infrastructure Project Act. The moneys received by the Department pursuant to this Act and required to be deposited into the Civic and Transit Infrastructure Fund are subject to the pledge, claim and charge set forth in Section 25-55 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit Infrastructure Project Act. As used in this paragraph, "civic build", "private entity", "public-private agreement", and "public agency" have the meanings provided in Section 25-10 of the Public-Private Partnership for Civic and Transit Infrastructure Project Act.
Fiscal Year............................ | Total Deposit |
2024.................................... | $200,000,000 |
2025.................................... | $206,000,000 |
2026.................................... | $212,200,000 |
2027.................................... | $218,500,000 |
2028.................................... | $225,100,000 |
2029.................................... | $288,700,000 |
2030.................................... | $298,900,000 |
2031.................................... | $309,300,000 |
2032.................................... | $320,100,000 |
2033.................................... | $331,200,000 |
2034.................................... | $341,200,000 |
2035.................................... | $351,400,000 |
2036.................................... | $361,900,000 |
2037.................................... | $372,800,000 |
2038.................................... | $384,000,000 |
2039.................................... | $395,500,000 |
2040.................................... | $407,400,000 |
2041.................................... | $419,600,000 |
2042.................................... | $432,200,000 |
2043.................................... | $445,100,000 |
Beginning July 1, 2021 and until July 1, 2022, subject to the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 16% of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2022 and until July 1, 2023, subject to the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 32% of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2023 and until July 1, 2024, subject to the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 48% of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning July 1, 2024 and until July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 64% of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. Beginning on July 1, 2025, subject to the payment of amounts into the County and Mass Transit District Fund, the Local Government Tax Fund, the Build Illinois Fund, the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund, the Illinois Tax Increment Fund, and the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund as provided in this Section, the Department shall pay each month into the Road Fund the amount estimated to represent 80% of the net revenue realized from the taxes imposed on motor fuel and gasohol. As used in this paragraph "motor fuel" has the meaning given to that term in Section 1.1 of the Motor Fuel Tax Law, and "gasohol" has the meaning given to that term in Section 3-40 of the Use Tax Act.
Of the remainder of the moneys received by the Department pursuant to this Act, 75% shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the State treasury and 25% shall be reserved in a special account and used only for the transfer to the Common School Fund as part of the monthly transfer from the General Revenue Fund in accordance with Section 8a of the State Finance Act.
The Department may, upon separate written notice to a taxpayer, require the taxpayer to prepare and file with the Department on a form prescribed by the Department within not less than 60 days after receipt of the notice an annual information return for the tax year specified in the notice. Such annual return to the Department shall include a statement of gross receipts as shown by the taxpayer's last federal income tax return. If the total receipts of the business as reported in the federal income tax return do not agree with the gross receipts reported to the Department of Revenue for the same period, the taxpayer shall attach to his annual return a schedule showing a reconciliation of the 2 amounts and the reasons for the difference. The taxpayer's annual return to the Department shall also disclose the cost of goods sold by the taxpayer during the year covered by such return, opening and closing inventories of such goods for such year, cost of goods used from stock or taken from stock and given away by the taxpayer during such year, pay roll information of the taxpayer's business during such year and any additional reasonable information which the Department deems would be helpful in determining the accuracy of the monthly, quarterly or annual returns filed by such taxpayer as hereinbefore provided for in this Section.
If the annual information return required by this Section is not filed when and as required, the taxpayer shall be liable as follows:
The chief executive officer, proprietor, owner, or highest ranking manager shall sign the annual return to certify the accuracy of the information contained therein. Any person who willfully signs the annual return containing false or inaccurate information shall be guilty of perjury and punished accordingly. The annual return form prescribed by the Department shall include a warning that the person signing the return may be liable for perjury.
The foregoing portion of this Section concerning the filing of an annual information return shall not apply to a serviceman who is not required to file an income tax return with the United States Government.
As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund an amount equal to 1.7% of 80% of the net revenue realized under this Act for the second preceding month. Beginning April 1, 2000, this transfer is no longer required and shall not be made.
Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue collected by the State pursuant to this Act, less the amount paid out during that month as refunds to taxpayers for overpayment of liability.
For greater simplicity of administration, it shall be permissible for manufacturers, importers and wholesalers whose products are sold by numerous servicemen in Illinois, and who wish to do so, to assume the responsibility for accounting and paying to the Department all tax accruing under this Act with respect to such sales, if the servicemen who are affected do not make written objection to the Department to this arrangement.
35 ILCS 115/9