- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-145 - Statutory level of assessment
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-150 - Classification of property
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-155 - Valuation in general assessment years
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-160 - Valuation in years other than general assessment years
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-165 - Definitions
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-170 - Repealed by 89-412, eff. 11-17-95
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-175 - Owner on assessment date
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-180 - Pro-rata valuations; improvements or removal of improvements
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-185 - Change in use or ownership
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-190 - Damaged or destroyed property
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-195 - Leasing of exempt property
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-200 - Previously exempt property
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-205 - Equalization
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-210 - Equalization by chief county assessment officer; counties of less than 3,000,000
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-213 - Explanation of Equalization Factors
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-215 - General assessment years; counties of less than 3,000,000
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-220 - Division into assessment districts; assessment years; counties of 3,000,000 or more
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-225 - Division of county into four assessment districts
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-230 - Return of township or multi-township assessment books
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-235 - Failure to complete assessments
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-240 - Assessment book totals
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-245 - Return of books to board of review; counties of less than 3,000,000
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-250 - Abstract of assessment by county clerk
- Section 35 ILCS 200/9-255 - Statement of incomplete assessments