- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-5 - Multi-township assessors
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-10 - Mandatory establishment of multi-township assessment districts
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-15 - Voluntary establishment of multi-township assessment districts
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-20 - Township and Multi-Township Boards of Trustees; Elected Assessors
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-25 - Transition to multi-township organization
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-30 - Budget Making
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-35 - Disconnection petition
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-40 - Notice of disconnection
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-45 - Selection and eligibility of township and multi-township assessors
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-50 - Certification by Department
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-52 - Revision of assessor qualifications by Department
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-55 - Role as ex-officio deputy assessors
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-60 - Vacancies
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-65 - Deputies and employees
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-70 - Salary
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-75 - Affidavit for time employed
- Section 35 ILCS 200/2-80 - Expenses and office needs