The application for certificate of purchase shall be executed by the purchaser and by any individual bidder acting in the purchaser's behalf. The application shall be initially executed and delivered to the county clerk at the time of registration for the sale as provided in this Section. Before receiving any certificate of purchase, each purchaser and individual bidder acting in the purchaser's behalf shall sign and deliver to the county clerk a schedule or schedules of the mobile homes for which that purchaser has successfully bid and is applying to purchase, which schedule or schedules shall be attached to and incorporated within the application. The schedule or schedules shall be accompanied by a fee, for each mobile home listed, of $10 in counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants. The application and schedule or schedules shall be in substantially the following form:
Date of Application: ...............
Name of Purchaser: .................
Address: ...........................
Name of Bidder: ....................
Address: ...........................
I (we) hereby apply to the County Clerk and County Treasurer of ..... County for issuance of a certificate of purchase for each of the mobile homes on the attached schedule(s), and state as follows:
I (we) hereby affirm that I (we) have read this application and that the statements made in it are personally known by me (us) to be true, accurate and complete, under penalty of perjury as provided by law.
I (we) further understand that this application shall be void unless the schedule(s) of mobile homes referred to in the application is (are) completed and delivered to the County Clerk.
........................ Dated: ..............
(Signature of Purchaser)
........................ Dated: ..............
(Signature of Bidder)
Mobile home vehicle identification number (or other identification) (insert number or other identification)
Date of Bid (insert date)
I (we) hereby affirm that I (we) successfully bid upon the above mobile homes at the sale conducted by the County Treasurer of ..... County on the indicated dates, and I (we) request that the County Clerk of ..... County attach this schedule to my (our) application for certificate of purchase dated ......
Signed under penalty of perjury as provided by law:
........................ Dated: ..............
(Signature of Purchaser)
........................ Dated: ..............
(Signature of Bidder)
35 ILCS 516/215