30 ILCS 105/13

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 30 ILCS 105/13 - [Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional] Objects and purposes for which appropriations are made

The objects and purposes for which appropriations are made are classified and standardized by items as follows:

(1) Personal services;
(2) State contribution for employee group insurance;
(3) Contractual services;
(4) Travel;
(5) Commodities;
(6) Equipment;
(7) Permanent improvements;
(8) Land;
(9) Electronic Data Processing;
(10) Operation of automotive equipment;
(11) Telecommunications services;
(12) Contingencies;
(13) Reserve;
(14) Interest;
(15) Awards and Grants;
(16) Debt Retirement;
(17) Non-Cost Charges;
(18) State retirement contribution for annual normal cost;
(19) State retirement contribution for unfunded accrued liability;
(20) Purchase Contract for Real Estate.

When an appropriation is made to an officer, department, institution, board, commission or other agency, or to a private association or corporation, in one or more of the items above specified, such appropriation shall be construed in accordance with the definitions and limitations specified in this Act, unless the appropriation act otherwise provides.

An appropriation for a purpose other than one specified and defined in this Act may be made only as an additional, separate and distinct item, specifically stating the object and purpose thereof.

30 ILCS 105/13

P.A. 84-263; 84-264.
Amended by P.A. 098-0599,§ 7, eff. 6/1/2014.
This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.