- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-1 - Application of Article to minor political parties
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-2 - Political party defined-Petition to form new party
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-3 - Nomination of independent candidates by petition
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-3.1 - Petition signature requirements-Applicable law
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-4 - Form of petition for nomination
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-5 - Additional petition requirements-New political party petitions
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-5.1 - Designation of candidate's name on nomination papers
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-6 - Time and manner of filing
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-6.1 - Notice to candidate of filing requirements
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-6.2 - Candidates certified in order in which petitions filed
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-7 - Withdrawal by candidate-Procedure to fill vacancy in nomination
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-8 - Objections to nomination certificate, papers or petitions filed
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-9 - Appropriate electoral boards to hear objections
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-10 - Electoral board objection procedure
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-10.1 - Judicial review
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-10.5 - Removal of judicial officer's address information from the certificate of nomination or nomination papers
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-11 - Vacancy in nomination of new political party candidate
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-11.1 - Vacancy in office of State Senator
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-11.2 - Vacancy in any elective county office
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-14 - Certification of candidates for official ballot for general election
- Section 10 ILCS 5/10-15 - Consolidated and nonpartisan elections-Certification of candidates