2. When a subpoena duces tecum is served upon any employee of such a hospital, and requires the production of any such medical charts or records at trial, deposition or any other proceeding, it is sufficient compliance therewith if a hospital employee charged with the responsibility of being custodian of the originals thereof promptly notifies the party causing service of the subpoena, or his attorney of record, together with all other parties to the proceeding in which the subpoena was issued and of which parties he has reasonable notice, or their attorneys of record, of the hospital's election to proceed under the provisions hereof and of the estimated actual and reasonable expenses of reproducing such charts or records. Following such notification, the hospital employee charged with custodian responsibility for the original charts or records specified in the subpoena shall hold the same available at the hospital, and upon payment to the hospital of said estimated reproduction expenses shall promptly deliver, by mail or otherwise, a true, legible and durable copy of all medical charts or records specified in such subpoena, certified upon his verification, to the clerk of the court before which said proceeding is pending, or to the officer, body or tribunal before which said proceeding is pending if it be not before a court of this state. Such copies shall be delivered after being separately inclosed and sealed in an inner envelope or wrapper, with the title and number of the action, cause or proceeding, the name of such hospital, the name of the hospital employee making such certification and verification and the date of the subpoena clearly inscribed thereon, and the sealed envelope or wrapper shall then be inclosed and sealed in an outer envelope or wrapper, and delivered as aforesaid. If the hospital has none of the charts or records specified in the subpoena, or only part thereof, an employee having custodial responsibility for original hospital charts or records shall so state in an affidavit and following notice and payment of expenses as hereinabove provided shall hold available such original charts or records as are in the hospital's custody and specified in the subpoena and shall deliver copies thereof certified upon his verification together with said affidavit, in the manner hereinabove provided.