Idaho Code § 67-5907

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) Any person who believes he or she has been subject to unlawful discrimination, or a member of the commission, may file a complaint under oath with the commission stating the facts concerning the alleged discrimination within one (1) year of the alleged unlawful discrimination.
(2) Upon receipt of such a complaint, the commission or its delegated investigator shall endeavor to resolve the matter by informal means prior to a determination of whether there are reasonable grounds to believe that unlawful discrimination has occurred. The commission or its delegated investigator shall conduct such investigation as may be necessary to resolve the issues raised by the facts set forth in the complaint.
(3) If the commission does not find reasonable grounds to believe that unlawful discrimination has occurred, it shall enter an order so finding, and dismiss the proceeding, and shall notify the complainant and the respondent of its action.
(4) If the commission finds reasonable grounds to believe that unlawful discrimination has occurred, it shall endeavor to eliminate such discrimination by informal means such as conference, conciliation and persuasion. No offer or counter offer of conciliation nor the terms of any conciliation agreement may be made public without the written consent of all the parties to the proceeding, nor used as evidence in any subsequent proceeding, civil or criminal. If the case is disposed of by such informal means in a manner satisfactory to the commission, the commission shall dismiss the proceeding, and shall notify the complainant and the respondent.
(5) If the commission finds reasonable grounds to believe that unlawful discrimination has occurred, and further believes that irreparable injury or great inconvenience will be caused the victim of such discrimination if relief is not immediately granted, or if conciliation efforts under subsection (4) have not succeeded, the commission may file a civil action seeking appropriate legal and equitable relief.
(6) A complainant may request dismissal of an administrative complaint at any time. Dismissals requested before three hundred sixty-five (365) calendar days from the date of filing of the administrative complaint may be granted at the discretion of the administrator who will attempt to contact all parties who have appeared in the proceeding and consider their interests. After three hundred sixty-five (365) calendar days, if the complaint has not been dismissed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section or the parties have not entered into a settlement or conciliation agreement pursuant to subsection (2) or (4) of this section or other administrative dismissal has not occurred, the commission shall, upon request of the complainant, dismiss the complaint and notify the parties.

Idaho Code § 67-5907

[67-5907, added 1980, ch. 97, sec. 2, p. 215; am. 1998, ch. 155, sec. 1, p. 530.; am. 2010, ch. 248, sec. 3, p. 637.]