Idaho Code § 67-4925

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

In the event that it shall appear from said returns that the necessary percentage (as now specified by the constitution of the state of Idaho or as the same may hereafter be amended) of said qualified electors of the district authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes who shall have voted on any proposition submitted hereunder at such election voted in favor of such proposition, the district shall thereupon be authorized to incur such indebtedness or obligations, enter into such contract, or issue and sell such bonds of the district, as the case may be, all for the purpose or purposes and object or objects provided for in the proposition submitted hereunder and in the resolution therefor, and in the amount so provided and at a rate of interest not exceeding the rate of interest recited in such resolution. Submission of the proposition of incurring such obligation or bonded or other indebtedness at such an election shall not prevent or prohibit submission of the same or other propositions at subsequent election or elections called for such purpose.

Idaho Code § 67-4925

[67-4925, added 1959, ch. 137, sec. 25, p. 299.; am. 1978, ch. 276, sec. 8, p. 672; am. 1987, ch. 70, sec. 18, p. 139.]