The park and recreation board is hereby authorized and directed to appropriate in trust for the people of the state of Idaho the unappropriated natural spring flow arising upon the area described as follows, to-wit:
The south half (1/2) of the southwest quarter (1/4), and the south half (1/2) of the southeast quarter (1/4), of section twenty-five (25), township six (6) south, range thirteen (13) east of the Boise Meridian; and
The north half (1/2) of the northwest quarter (1/4), and the northwest quarter (1/4) of the northeast quarter (1/4), of section thirty-six (36), township six (6) south, range thirteen (13) east of the Boise Meridian.
The preservation of water in the area described for its scenic beauty and recreational purposes necessary and desirable for all citizens of the state of Idaho is hereby declared to be a beneficial use of such water.
No fee shall be required in connection with said appropriation by the park and recreation board or the permit issued in connection therewith, but license shall issue at any time upon proof of beneficial use to which said waters are now dedicated.
The park and recreation board, or its successor, shall be deemed to be the holder of such permit, in trust for the people of the state, and the public use of the unappropriated water in the specific area herein described is declared to be of greater priority than any other use except that of domestic consumption.
The unappropriated lands belonging to the state of Idaho between the high water mark on one (1) bank to the high water mark on the opposite bank, of the area described, are hereby declared to be devoted to a public use in connection with the preservation of the area in its present condition as a place of recreation for the citizens of the state of Idaho.
Idaho Code § 67-4307