The governor, state controller, or the department of finance, or any person authorized in writing by them or it, may, during business hours, in the presence of the treasurer or his deputy, inspect and examine the books of account in the office of the treasurer, and all contracts, writings, securities, and other papers belonging to the state, or pertaining to the business thereof, held by the treasurer, and may inspect and count the moneys belonging to this state and the several funds thereof in the custody of the treasurer, and it is hereby made the duty of the state treasurer to furnish all reasonable facilities for the purpose.
And the governor, state treasurer, or the department of finance, or any person authorized in writing by them or it, may, likewise, during business hours, in the presence of the state controller or his deputy, inspect and examine the books of account in the office of the state controller, and all contracts, writings, securities, bonds, and other papers belonging to the state, or pertaining to the business thereof in the custody of the state controller, and it is hereby made the duty of the state controller to furnish all reasonable facilities for the purpose.
Idaho Code § 67-2724