Idaho Code § 61-333B

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

In the event the annexing municipality has been furnishing electric service to its residents at the time of such annexation, or thereafter commences the furnishing of such service to its residents, nothing in this chapter shall prevent such municipality from extending its service to the annexed or incorporated area, upon the payment of just compensation, as defined in section 7-711, Idaho Code, to such public utility or cooperative serving such area prior to annexation, for any property, real or personal, including damages to the remainder of the system, if any, of such cooperative or public utility, used in distribution, transmission or supply of electrical energy to such area prior to annexation. As used herein, just compensation shall include consideration of new installations necessarily made between the time of annexation or incorporation and final settlement.

Provided, however, in case the annexed area was previously served by a cooperative association, no extension shall be made by the municipal corporation, except upon the following conditions:

1. Until the terms and conditions of such extension, including just compensation therefor, have been finally determined by voluntary agreement between the annexing municipality and the servicing cooperative association, or
2. In the event that such voluntary agreement cannot be made within ninety (90) days of the date of incorporation or annexation of such territory served by such cooperative association, then the municipal corporation may, if so determined by unanimous vote of its governing body, submit to the qualified electors of such municipality upon a special ballot to be voted upon at the next regular election of such municipality, the question "Shall portions of the .... of ...., Idaho which have heretofore been served electrical energy by .... become a part of the electrical system of the .... of ...., Idaho. Said areas are generally known and described as follows: (Insert description)."

A majority of the votes cast on said special ballot must be in favor of the proposition in order to approve the transaction on the part of the municipal corporation. Further, the cooperative association shall submit either by mail or at an annual or special meeting to its members, at the same time of the municipal election above mentioned, the question of whether or not the board of such cooperative association be authorized to sell to the municipality upon payment of just compensation, to be agreed upon, or if agreement be not reached, upon compensation determined as provided hereinafter. A majority of the votes cast must be in favor of the proposition in order to approve the transaction on the part of the cooperative association. At least 15 days before the vote by the members of the cooperative association, the association shall submit to the municipality a list of members eligible to vote and the municipality is hereby authorized to submit to said members a written statement of the reasons for the transfer to electric service by the municipality.

If agreement cannot be reached upon the amount of just compensation, the matter shall be submitted to the district court of the county wherein the municipality is located pursuant to procedures of title 10, chapter 12, Idaho Code, for this purpose of fixing and determining the amount of just compensation as hereinbefore defined.

The court may appoint not more than two (2) experts to advise the court, and the costs of the action, including fees of such experts, shall be taxed equally to the parties.

Either party may appeal from the decision of the court in the same manner that other appeals are taken therefrom. No transfer of facilities shall be made until the amount of compensation has been finally determined and paid.

Idaho Code § 61-333B

[61-333B, added 1963, ch. 269, sec. 3, p. 685.]