Idaho Code § 61-326

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

No street or interurban railroad corporation shall charge, demand, collect or receive more than five cents (5¢) for one (1) continuous ride in the same general direction within the corporate limits of any city or village, except upon a showing before the commission that such greater charge is justified: provided, that until the decision of the commission upon such showing, a street or interurban railroad corporation may continue to demand, collect and receive the fare in effect on January 2, 1913, or at the time the commission acquires as to such corporation the power to fix fares within such city or village. Every street or interurban railroad corporation shall, upon such terms as the commission shall find to be just and reasonable, furnish to its passengers transfers entitling them to one (1) continuous trip in the same general direction over and upon the portions of its lines within the same city or village not reached by the originating car.

Idaho Code § 61-326

[(61-326) 1913, ch. 61, sec. 25, p. 248; reen. C.L. 106:71; C.S., sec. 2438; I.C.A., sec. 59-326.]