Idaho Code § 54-2044

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

In order that the financial interests of the consumers of Idaho be adequately protected, each designated broker is required to create and maintain the following records regarding any real estate trust account, and is required to reconcile and balance each trust account with all ledger records, the check register and the bank statement at least once each month. Any electronic recordkeeping system is required to have a generally accepted and adequate backup system in use at all times.

(1) Maintenance ledger record. A separate ledger card or record, herein called "ledgers," identified as "trust account maintenance fund" shall be initiated when the broker's or firm's funds are initially deposited into the trust account. These ledgers shall be filed at all times with the broker's current "open" ledgers of pending transactions. Additions or deductions to trust account maintenance funds shall be posted to the ledger records as soon as the broker is given notice of the deposit or deduction. The balance on this maintenance fund ledger shall be kept current at all times.
(2) Individual trust ledger records. An individual trust ledger shall be immediately created whenever a broker, or any licensed or unlicensed person representing the broker, receives earnest money or other consideration, even if the consideration will be deposited with, held by, paid directly to, transferred or delivered to a title company, other approved depository, or any other person, as directed in writing, and signed by both parties to the transaction. Receipt of consideration, for purposes of this chapter, occurs when the broker or any person representing the broker, takes physical possession of the consideration or assumes the responsibility to deliver or deposit it.
(3) When a broker deposits funds with another broker, an approved depository, or directly to the seller or any other person, as directed in writing by both parties to the transaction, a ledger record must be created by the transferring broker, with a transaction number assigned. Upon transfer of funds or consideration, a receipt for such deposit shall be obtained and retained in the transaction files of the transferring broker. The receipt must show the name of the payee and date of transfer.
(4) Additional requirements for creating an individual trust ledger record are set forth in section 54-2045, Idaho Code. Individual trust ledger records must each be assigned a transaction number. In addition, each individual trust account ledger record created must contain:
(a) The next chronological transaction number for each transaction;
(b) The names of both parties to the transaction;
(c) The location of the property;
(d) The date of each deposit and disbursement;
(e) The name of the payor or payee;
(f) The amount and check number of each disbursement;
(g) The amount and nature of the deposit;
(h) The current balance; and
(i) After the transaction is closed, each individual ledger record must show the final disposition of the transaction and funds.

A broker's trust account ledger records must be maintained with one (1) file, electronic or hard copy, for closed, terminated and rejected transactions, and a separate file for transactions pending but not closed. Ledger records shall be kept in alphabetical order or by transaction number. Ledger posting must be kept current at all times.

(5) Trust account checks. The broker shall maintain consecutively numbered checks for each trust account, which checks must:
(a) Contain the broker's licensed business name and current business address; and
(b) Be imprinted with the words "real estate trust account."
(6) Check register or journal. A check register or journal must be posted properly, maintained and kept current by the broker at all times even if funds are held at a title company or other approved depository. The register must itemize deposits and disbursements in consecutive order, and must also clearly show:
(a) The date of the deposit or disbursement;
(b) The payee or payor;
(c) The amount and purpose of any deposits or disbursements;
(d) The check number;
(e) The transaction number; and
(f) The current cash balance remaining in that trust account.
(7) Duplicate bank deposit record. For each trust account, the broker shall maintain, in hard copy, a duplicate bank deposit record, which shall be imprinted with the broker's business name and the words, "real estate trust account." Each deposit record shall state:
(a) The name of the person or firm placing the money with the broker's office;
(b) The date of the deposit; and
(c) The transaction number. The duplicate deposit record shall be retained in the bank deposit records in proper chronological sequence and shall be date stamped by the bank or the bank deposit receipt shall be attached to the duplicate deposit record in the deposit records.
(8) Real estate trust account checks. For each trust account, the broker shall maintain a set of consecutively numbered checks, which shall be imprinted with the broker's business name and address and the words "real estate trust account." Any check drawn on such a trust account shall be identified by a transaction number noted on the face of the check. Any voided trust account check shall be marked "VOID" and retained in numerical sequence with the other checks for the banking month.

Idaho Code § 54-2044

[54-2044, added 2000, ch. 285, sec. 3, p. 935; am. 2007, ch. 98, sec. 9, p. 298.]