Idaho Code § 43-701F

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

The costs incurred by the irrigation district in preparing and certifying any list of tracts as provided for in section 43-701C, Idaho Code, shall be assessed against the tracts described in that list, at the same amount for each tract, and the amount so assessed shall be included in the first notification made by the irrigation district treasurer to the county as provided for in section 43-701D, Idaho Code, if the district is utilizing the county for collecting the assessment. Thereafter all tracts on any one list shall be regarded as a single tract for determining assessment expense as provided for in section 43-701, Idaho Code. The county commissioners initially shall levy an additional fee against the tracts described in any such list for the cost of transferring and conforming the list and initiating the collection process, at a uniform amount for each tract, and may levy annually an additional assessment for the current cost of collection and remittance to the district, at a uniform amount for each tract.

Idaho Code § 43-701F

[43-701F, added 1982, ch. 103, sec. 5, p. 284; am. 1988, ch. 137, sec. 6, p. 248.]