In accordance with the comprehensive environmental response, compensation, and liability act of 1980 (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9605, as amended by the superfund amendments and reauthorization act of 1986 (SARA), P.L. 99-499, and, to the extent practicable, the national oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan, 40 CFR 300, the remedial actions for the Bunker Hill superfund site are selected and documented in decision documents referred to as a record of decision (ROD) and the body of documents referred to as the administrative record. The institutional controls program (ICP) was established under the residential soils/populated areas August 30, 1991, ROD as a component of the human health remedy to maintain protective barriers to underlying contamination. As the Bunker Hill superfund site expanded, this area was referred to as operable unit (OU)-1. The ICP was incorporated into the non-populated areas for OU-2 in the September 22, 1992, ROD to focus on areas of future development, and OU-3 in the September 12, 2002, interim ROD for residential and community areas outside of OU-1 and OU-2. Institutional controls administrative area maps showing the geographic boundaries for the ICP are available to the public on the internet or through the department upon request.
Idaho Code § 39-6802