When any baggage or other personal property is received by a hotel and left unclaimed, or left unclaimed by a guest in a hotel, the hotelkeeper may hold and store the same, until all just and reasonable storage and other charges are paid, and if no guest calls for his baggage or other personal property left in a hotel for a period of sixty (60) days or more, the hotelkeeper may sell such property at public auction to the highest bidder, having given fifteen (15) days prior notice, by registered mail, of the time and place of such sale to such guest at the address given by the guest on the hotel register, and by posting notice of such sale as provided by law upon execution. If any surplus be left after paying storage, freight, cost of advertising, and other reasonable charges, the same must be paid to the owner of such property, when known, at any time thereafter, upon demand being made therefor within thirty (30) days after the sale.
Idaho Code § 39-1808