Idaho Code § 39-1357

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

When there are two (2) or more hospital districts, which have at least one (1) common boundary, the boards of trustees of the hospital districts, meeting together, may determine that it is in the best interest of the qualified electors and prospective hospital patients that the boundary lines be adjusted or that the districts be consolidated, as herein provided.

The boards of trustees shall jointly prepare a petition describing the boundaries of the existing hospital districts, the names of the existing hospital districts, and praying for the reorganization of the territory therein described as one (1) or more hospital districts to be known as the ".... hospital district or districts" and with boundaries as set forth in the petition.

The petition shall be signed by the chairpersons of the hospital boards upon majority approval of the respective boards involved in the boundary adjustment or consolidation.

The petition shall be forwarded to the clerk of the board of county commissioners in each of the counties affected who shall verify the signatures, and shall file the petition. Thereupon, the board of county commissioners in each of the counties affected shall proceed with the hearing and resolution as outlined in sections 39-1320, 39-1321 and 39-1322, Idaho Code, and an election in the manner required for the establishment of a hospital district.

In the order granting the petition and adjusting the boundaries or establishing consolidation, the board of county commissioners in all counties affected shall certify the new boundaries and the name of the district or districts.

A copy of the order shall be transmitted to the board of trustees of the hospital districts involved.

Such other notices as may be required by law shall be filed by the board of trustees of the district, including a legal description and map of altered boundaries to be filed with the state tax commission within ten (10) days of the effective date of the change.

Following boundary adjustment, the board of county commissioners within five (5) days shall take action to reaffirm members of the board of trustees, or to appoint members of the board or boards, who shall be chosen from the members of the boards initiating the boundary adjustment to the extent possible. These trustees shall serve until the next annual election of trustees or until their successors are elected and qualified as provided in section 39-1326, Idaho Code. The board or boards of trustees shall be sworn by a member of the board of county commissioners.

Following a consolidation, the board of county commissioners within five (5) days shall appoint the members of the first board of trustees, who shall be chosen from the members of the boards of the consolidated districts and who shall serve until the next annual election of trustees or until their successors are elected and qualified. The board shall be sworn by a member of the board of county commissioners.

Idaho Code § 39-1357

[39-1357, added 1993, ch. 137, sec. 6, p. 340.]