Idaho Code § 39-1325A

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) Proceedings for the dissolution of a hospital district may be initiated by a petition containing the signatures of qualified electors of the district or owners of property within the district equal in number to ten percent (10%) of the qualified electors and taxpayers of the district, the same percentage required for the organization of the district, but not earlier than four (4) years after the date of its establishment.
(2) The petition, when completed and verified, shall be filed with the clerk of the court of the county or counties if more than one (1) county is involved. The county clerk shall publish notice and the county commissioners shall hold a hearing on the matter. If necessary, they shall hold an election, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, on the matter. The hearing and election shall be held in accordance with the terms and provisions of title 34, Idaho Code. The disposition of hospital district assets on dissolution and the provision for payment of district indebtedness shall be made in accordance with the provisions of sections 63-4105 and 63-4106, Idaho Code.
(3) If the hospital district embraces territory in more than one (1) county, an election for its dissolution shall be deemed approved only if a majority of the votes cast in each such county were cast in the affirmative. If, upon the canvass of ballots, it be determined that the proposition has been approved, the board of county commissioners of each county shall enter its order to that effect, subject to the provisions of section 39-1325C, Idaho Code, and the order shall by them be made a matter of record.

Idaho Code § 39-1325A

[(39-1325A) 39-1325a, added 1988, ch. 173, sec. 1, p. 303; am. 1993, ch. 137, sec. 2, p. 338; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 50, p. 468; am. and redesig. 2004, ch. 263, sec. 1, p. 742; am. 2009, ch. 341, sec. 66, p. 1036.]