Idaho Code § 39-1306

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

The licensing agency may deny any application or revoke any license when persuaded by evidence that such conditions exist as to endanger the health or safety of any resident. Before denial or revocation is final, the licensing agency shall provide opportunity for a hearing at which time the owner or sponsor of any facility or agency, as defined, may appear and show cause why the license should not be denied or revoked. The board shall provide by rule and regulation a procedure whereby a waiver of a specific rule, regulation or standard may be granted in the event that good cause is shown for such a waiver and providing that said waiver does not endanger the health and safety of any resident. The decision to grant a waiver shall not be considered as precedent or be given any force or effect in any other proceeding. Said waiver may be renewed annually if sufficient written justification is presented to the licensing agency. Hearings for licensure, including denial and revocation, shall be conducted by the licensing agency pursuant to chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and appeal shall be as provided therein.

Idaho Code § 39-1306

[39-1306, added 1947, ch. 133, sec. 6, p. 324; am. 1980, ch. 159, sec. 9, p. 337.]