Idaho Code § 37-1202

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(a) All packages and containers used in the sale and distribution of frozen desserts or frozen novelties shall bear a label. The label shall plainly give the name of the product as defined in regulations promulgated by the director of the department of agriculture, and if a trade or brand name is used, the name of the product shall be in letters at least one-half the size of the letters of such brand or trade name. The label shall also bear the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor.
(b) Wherever any frozen desserts or frozen novelties are sold or dispensed over counters, through machines, or in any other manner than in labeled cartons, packages or containers, the seller or dispenser thereof shall in his advertising or his offer to sell or dispense such product plainly display the name of the product as defined in regulations promulgated by the director of the department of agriculture in letters at least one-half of the size of the letters of the trade or brand name. When any frozen dessert or frozen novelty is sold or dispensed, other than in packages or containers, without any advertising or the use of a trade or brand name, the seller or dispenser thereof shall conspicuously display at the counter, machine or place where the product is sold or dispensed, a sign with letters at least four (4) inches high describing the product so sold or dispensed.

Idaho Code § 37-1202

[37-1202, added 1949, ch. 44, sec. 2, p. 77; am. 1977, ch. 308, sec. 2, p. 881; am. 1979, ch. 118, sec. 2, p. 367.]