In lieu of paying the filing fee, candidates may qualify for the offices mentioned in section 34-604 through section 34-623, Idaho Code, by filing a declaration of candidacy and a nominating petition. The petition shall contain the signatures of qualified electors as follows:
(a) One thousand (1,000) for any statewide office;(b) Five hundred (500) for any congressional district office (all signatures within proper district);(c) Two hundred (200) for the office of district judge (all signatures within proper district);(d) Fifty (50) for any legislative district office (all signatures within proper district);(e) Five (5) for any county office (county commissioner signatures shall be within commissioner district).Signatures on such nominating petitions shall be verified in the manner prescribed in section 34-1807, Idaho Code.
[34-626, added 1996, ch. 28, sec. 22, p. 75.]