The treasurer of each school district, on the first Monday of each month on which there is sufficient money in the treasury to pay any outstanding warrants, shall issue a call for the warrants which such moneys will pay. In elementary school districts the call shall be made by posting a list of the warrants called, designating each warrant by number, amount, and person to whom issued, together with a notice that said warrants are called for payment, at the front door of the county courthouse. In all other districts the call shall be made by posting such notice on or near the main door of the administrative offices of the district. The treasurer shall execute a certificate of the posting of such notice showing the date and place of posting, and file it, together with a copy of the notice posted, in the permanent files of his office. All warrants so called shall cease to bear interest at the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of posting such notice of call.
Idaho Code § 33-703