Idaho Code § 15-7-501

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 15-7-501 - TRUST PROTECTOR
(1) Definition of terms:
(a) "Distribution trust advisor" means a person given authority by the trust instrument to exercise all or any portions of the powers and discretions set forth in subsection (11) of this section.
(b) "Excluded fiduciary" means any fiduciary excluded from exercising certain powers under the instrument, which powers may be exercised by the grantor or a trust advisor or a trust protector.
(c) "Fiduciary" means a trustee under any testamentary or other trust, an executor, administrator, or personal representative of a decedent's estate, or any other party, including a trust advisor or a trust protector, who is acting in a fiduciary capacity for any person, trust or estate.
(d) "Instrument" means any revocable or irrevocable trust document whether created inter vivos or testamentary.
(e) "Investment trust advisor" means a person given authority by the trust instrument to exercise all or any portions of the powers and discretions set forth in subsection (10) of this section.
(f) "Trust advisor" means a distribution trust advisor or an investment advisor.
(g) "Trust protector" means any disinterested third party whose appointment is provided for in the trust instrument.
(2) Liability limits of excluded fiduciary. An excluded fiduciary is not liable, either individually or as a fiduciary, for either of the following:
(a) Any loss that results from compliance with a direction of the trust advisor;
(b) Any loss that results from a failure to take any action proposed by an excluded fiduciary that requires a prior authorization of the trust advisor if that excluded fiduciary timely sought but failed to obtain that authorization.

Any excluded fiduciary is also relieved from any obligation to perform investment reviews and make recommendations with respect to any investments to the extent the trust advisor had authority to direct the acquisition, disposition or retention of any such investment.

(3) Death of grantor. An excluded fiduciary may continue to follow the direction of the trust advisor upon the incapacity or death of the grantor if the instrument so allows.
(4) When trust advisor considered as fiduciary. If one (1) or more trust advisors are given authority by the terms of a governing instrument to direct, consent to, or disapprove a fiduciary's investment decisions, or proposed investment decisions, such trust advisors shall be considered to be fiduciaries when exercising such authority unless the governing instrument provides otherwise.
(5) Excluded fiduciary's liability for loss if trust protector appointed. If an instrument appoints a trust protector, the excluded fiduciary is not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken upon such trust protector's direction.
(6) Powers and discretions of trust protector. The powers and discretions of a trust protector shall be as provided in the governing instrument and may, in the best interests of the trust, be exercised or not exercised in the sole and absolute discretion of the trust protector and shall be binding on all other persons. Such powers and discretion may include the following:
(a) To modify or amend the trust instrument to achieve favorable tax status or because of changes in the Internal Revenue Code, state law, or the rulings and regulations thereunder;
(b) To increase or decrease the interests of any beneficiaries to the trust;
(c) To modify the terms of any power of appointment granted by the trust. However, a modification or amendment may not grant a beneficial interest to any individual or class of individuals not specifically provided for under the trust instrument;
(d) To terminate the trust;
(e) To veto or direct trust distributions;
(f) To change situs or governing law of the trust, or both;
(g) To appoint a successor trust protector;
(h) To interpret terms of the trust instrument at the request of the trustee;
(i) To advise the trustee on matters concerning a beneficiary; and
(j) To amend or modify the trust instrument to take advantage of laws governing restraints on alienation, distribution of trust property, or the administration of the trust.
(7) Submission to court jurisdiction - Effect on trust advisor or trust protector. By accepting an appointment to serve as a trust advisor or trust protector of a trust that is subject to the laws of this state, the trust advisor or the trust protector submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Idaho even if investment advisory agreements or other related agreements provide otherwise, and the trust advisor or trust protector may be made a party to any action or proceeding if issues relate to a decision or action of the trust advisor or trust protector.
(8) Powers of trust protector incorporated by reference in will or trust instrument. Any of the powers enumerated in subsection (6) of this section, as they exist at the time of the signing of a will by a testator or testatrix or at the time of the signing of a trust instrument by a trustor may be, by appropriate reference made thereto, incorporated in whole or in part in such will or trust instrument by a clearly expressed intention of a testator or testatrix of a will or trustor of a trust instrument.
(9) Investment trust advisor or distribution trust advisor provided for in trust instrument. A trust instrument governed by the laws of Idaho may provide for a person to act as an investment trust advisor or a distribution trust advisor, respectively, with regard to investment decisions or discretionary distributions.
(10) Powers and discretions of investment trust advisor. The powers and discretions of an investment trust advisor shall be provided in the trust instrument and may be exercised or not exercised, in the best interests of the trust, in the sole and absolute discretion of the investment trust advisor and are binding on any other person and any other interested party, fiduciary, and excluded fiduciary. Unless the terms of the document provide otherwise, the investment trust advisor has the power to perform the following:
(a) Direct the trustee with respect to the retention, purchase, sale or encumbrance of trust property and the investment and reinvestment of principal and income of the trust;
(b) Vote proxies for securities held in trust; and
(c) Select one (1) or more investment advisors, managers or counselors, including the trustee, and delegate to them any of its powers.
(11) Powers and discretions of distribution trust advisor. The powers and discretions of a distribution trust advisor shall be provided in the trust instrument and may be exercised or not exercised, in the best interests of the trust, in the sole and absolute discretion of the distribution trust advisor and are binding on any other person and any other interested party, fiduciary, and excluded fiduciary. Unless the terms of the document provide otherwise, the distribution trust advisor shall direct the trustee with regard to all discretionary distributions to beneficiaries.

Idaho Code § 15-7-501

[15-7-501, added 1999, ch. 331, sec. 1, p. 893; am. 2007 , ch. 68, sec. 2, p. 178.]