Under rules as may be prescribed by the director of finance with the approval of the governor:
The director of finance shall provide a summary of this information in the multi-year program and financial plan and budget submitted to the legislature before the regular session of each odd-numbered year and the supplemental budget submitted to the legislature before the regular session of each even-numbered year; and
The director of finance shall provide a summary of this information in the multi-year program and financial plan and budget submitted to the legislature before the regular session of each odd-numbered year and the supplemental budget submitted to the legislature before the regular session of each even-numbered year.
For the purposes of this paragraph, "deferred maintenance costs" means the costs to catch up on the repair and maintenance of the state-owned building, facility, or other improvement that has been delayed past the ordinarily scheduled repair and maintenance cycle. The department of budget and finance may further refine this definition in its instructions to the agencies furnishing the information.
HRS § 37-68